With inclement weather, snow flurries, and ice in the forecast, we thought it was best to dust off the old blog post and remind you about best practices to address weather-related issues when paying employees. We hope you all stay warm and safe. As always, your priority should be safety for your employees. Here’s a

Most employers have gotten the hang of handling FMLA requests: Make sure the employee is eligible; get paperwork from the provider; and monitor the amount of time taken. Whether all supervisors are overjoyed with every employee’s desire to take off due to a qualifying condition is another matter. But if you follow the procedures and

Do you have to pay an employee on military leave? Generally, you only have to pay for military leave if you pay employees on “comparable” leaves. So what is a comparable leave? In Clarkson v. Alaska Airlines, Inc., the Ninth Circuit recently held the comparability analysis under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment

Next week on November 8, voters will head to the polls around the country for our midterm elections for the U.S. House, certain Senate seats, governorships, and other elected offices. And while voters are headed to the polls, employers should remember that they may have a requirement to provide time off to employees to vote.

With Hurricane Ivan wreaking havoc, our thoughts go to those in the path of the ever-strengthening storm. The first priority for all affected is safety, but severe weather does also raise numerous employment law issues. Employers are again reminded that weather can affect your workplace. With hurricane season underway, we have updated this previously published

Paid leave benefits are a hot topic these days. The Congressional Research Service (CRS) has issued an updated report on states that have Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) programs and how they work.

Federal FMLA and Unpaid Leave

We all know that the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) requires employers with 50

You Get Paid Leave! And You Get Paid Leave! USERRA Gets You Paid Military Leave!  The Third Circuit Court of Appeals recently held that the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) entitles employees to paid short-term military leave in certain circumstances, following the Seventh Circuit’s similar holding in White v. United Airlines, Inc. In Travers v. Federal Express Corporation, Gerard Travers sued his employer, FedEx,

Let Your Employees Get the Jab (COVID-19 Vaccination) — You May Get a Tax CreditIf you are an employer with under 500 employees, you may be eligible for a tax credit for paid leave provided to your employees to receive the COVID-19 vaccination or for paid leave they take to recover from any illness or condition as a result of receiving the vaccine. The Biden administration recently announced this