We often hear, “OSHA can’t cite me because I didn’t employ the injured worker.” Unfortunately, this statement is often untrue.

Under OSHA’s Multi-Employer Doctrine, if you are an employer on a worksite where other companies are also performing work (e.g., construction sites and oil/gas well sites), you can be subject to citation for workplace hazards

Here’s a refresher: Discriminating against a subclass of a sex (e.g., older women or black women) is still discrimination. In McCreight v. AuburnBank, the Eleventh Circuit clarified a few things for the lawyers related to the different theories of liability, but the court also provided a good refresher on “sex-plus” discrimination, or discrimination based

Most frequently, employers do not hear from OSHA unless they report a workplace injury. When a reported workplace injury does occur, OSHA will perform a walkthrough inspection of the worksite and may ultimately issue a citation for hazardous conditions OSHA believes may have caused or contributed to the incident. However, OSHA is not limited to

What about those salary thresholds for white-collar employees? Although they have been challenged, they are alive and kicking. Last week, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit affirmed that the Department of Labor has the authority to set the minimum salary required to qualify for the white-collar exemption.

Remind Me

The Minimum

Following several complaints filed with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), SpaceX has mounted a constitutional challenge against the structure of the NLRB. Specifically, SpaceX contends that NLRB administrative judges and board members are improperly insulated from at-will removal by the president, and that NLRB proceedings violate the separation of power and companies’ right to

We all know that OSHA has the right to interview folks as part of an investigation. Whether a company representative and the company attorney can also attend an interview depends on who is being interviewed.

If the person to be interviewed is a non-managerial employee, OSHA can conduct the interview in private, outside the presence