Are you entitled to FLSA coverage if you are doing the Lord’s work? In March 2017, a federal district court in Ohio answered “yes” and awarded almost $400,000 to unpaid employees/volunteers of a church restaurant. The Cathedral Buffet and the Rev. Ernest Angley are now casting a wing and prayer to the Sixth Circuit Court
Employer Liability Issues
The Labor Board Wants Those “Temp” Workers to be “Your” Workers So That You Can Become a Union Company
As I was explaining to a client last week that just “sending her back to the temp agency” likely would not be a simple end to a complicated sexual harassment problem, the National Labor Relations Board issued yet another decision impacting joint-employer issues. The Board’s new opinion in Miller & Anderson, Inc., through the…
All Together Now: NLRB Expands the Joint-Employer Standard
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a decision yesterday in a long-litigated case that further defined how two entities could be considered joint employers under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). The decision overturned the Regional Director’s finding that workers provided by a staffing agency to a recycling plant were not considered employees of…
It’s All in the Family: Shifting Standards for Joint-Employer Liability
The concept of joint-employer liability is popping up in the news a lot again. This is because the NLRB is taking a more aggressive view on joint-employer standards under the National Labor Relations Act, particularly as to how these standards apply in the franchisor-franchisee setting. In December, the NLRB filed complaints in 13 different regions…